Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Viva el futbol! And a background check...

Soccer or rather Futbol season is back in full swing and that makes me a very happy girl.  The Sounders finally came out with a win on Saturday-first of the season!  They stand a chance at being pretty good again this year.  I've decided also to start watching FC Barca and make them my favorite European team.  I'm having to do my homework to find out when and where to watch them but se vale la pena (it's worth it).  It's amazing how much a good game of soccer can lift my spirits...baseball can too but the Mariners do more losing than winning these days.  Soccer is truly the best sport ever.  And I'm not just saying that.  You run your heart out and kick something really hard which gets aggression out.  It's therapeutic.  And watching it?  That's just as fun.  You can scream till you're hoarse while being amazed at the fancy footwork of the pros.

I've signed up to play on a co-ed team which is a bit intimidating but should be fun.  My newest friend named Brian (he's #6!) invited me to try out his team because they needed chicas.  Brian and I met at the Spanish Society, the conversational Spanish Meet-Up group that I joined.  The first game went well and I actually played pretty well for a chica who hadn't played in 9 months!  The 2nd game started and I almost immediately pulled my quad and was in excruciating pain for the rest of the game.  The things is, I didn't DO anything!  Just started running and all of a sudden, boom, pain shot through my thigh.  I've never been a natural athlete but this game was exceptionally bad.  We had no lady subs so I tried to stay in but I could not focus on attempting to play because my leg was killing me, so it was just one eff up after another.  It was beyond humiliating.  Hopefully my leg holds up when I play on Thursday.  I also hope I don't die from being out of shape after not playing for 3 weeks.  Basically, anything would be better than the humiliation I faced last time.  My teammates seem super nice but still, I feel bad if I am not playing up to par.

You may be wondering about the background check.  I applied for a criminal background check through the FBI about a month ago and just yesterday received my letter from them.  It of course told me what I already know: I've never been arrested.  Go me!  It also mentioned something about if I needed further documentation for international purposes...which makes me wonder if what I got will suffice, should I apply for a visa to be in Spain (this part may be unnecessary).  Maybe I was supposed to have included something more.  Ninguna idea.  I did send in the application that was found in a link in the program manual.  This whole process has been so confusing!  They try to make it simple but there are so many little nitpicky things to remember.  Time will tell.  I could hear as soon as this week if I'm placed or not!  I'm not holding my breath.  This is Spain we're talking about here folks.  They're not known for their speediness!

That's it for now.  Asi es la vida.  Nos vemos!

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