Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's really happening!


Well, the cat's outta the bag. I told my boss about my plans on Monday. So now he knows that I'm quitting soon. My last day will be July 12th. That's only 16 days left! I realized that would allow me time to get all my stuff done and still go fishing and backpacking in my beloved northwest before it's time to go. I'm overwhelmed thinking of all that's going on before I leave, but relieved that my plans are now out in the open. Several co-workers are asking me about my plans and are actually really excited for me.

I've got a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks and a lot to get done. I'm trying to decide which furniture to part with (my parents' house doesn't have space to store it all), and think it's looking like I'll be parting with more than originally planned. I have a really nice bookshelf that I had no intention of selling, but I want a fresh start upon my return and may as well get rid of stuff like that. Maybe I can sell it? I've got to head to Goodwill soon because I've got piles of stuff in my bedroom just waiting to get donated. Operation: Get Rid of Excess is coming along nicely! Seems to me that it won't be so hard to get rid of stuff if I do it a little at a time.

That about sums it up. I'm so ready for a day off where I don't have to do anything or be anywhere, where I can just be home and get things accomplished there (or not). Weekends have gotten too busy lately and that stresses me out. My sick days are taunting me. Would it be so horrible if I took a mental health day? At this point, I really need it. That about covers it for now!

Hasta pronto!

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