Monday, April 18, 2011

Barca Bound?!

I think I have what they called "breakup goggles" on regarding my job at the moment. It's suddenly stopped seeming like such an awful place and feels a little better.  Perhaps this is just because after a rough transition to the new building we are now in, a string of really awful customers, and being in tears on a daily basis, it doesn't take much to make it better.  However, I think it's because I'm not that far off from going to Spain!

I've done my homework and figured out pretty much all I need to know about the TEFL/TESOL class and I think it's the route I'm going to take.  The advantage of this so-called Plan B of mine, is that I could choose where I was going to live and with Plan A (Language and Culture Assistant), you just go where they send you.  I like the idea of choosing where I live and living somewhere awesome where there are lots of other young people around.

WHERE?  I've been trying to decide between Barcelona and Sevilla.  Here is a list of pros and cons for each:

  • It's Barca-freakin-lona!
  • It's gorgeous and filled with things I love (futbol, art, beach, parks, history)
  • Lots of young people and nightlife (though Meg and I did not dapper into this aspect too much)
  • I already know my way around there a little bit...makes me feel comfortable
  • I could travel up to France easily (South of France anyone??)
  • They also speak Catalan
  • Some people say it's "not really Spain" because the Catalunians want to be their own nation (well so do some US states!)
  • It is different that many areas of Spain
  • It's "real" Spain
  • It is apparently more "tranquila" (low-key/calm)
  • It's a lot closer to La Mancha, where Don Quijote took place
  • I'd learn a lot about the Moorish influence in Spain
  • I could travel to Portugal easily
  • I've never been there...makes it scarier
  • The accent there is much stronger and way more different from what Spanish speakers in the US tend to have.
It's interesting that Sevilla seems to have many things go for it but that part of me is still really leaning towards Barcelona.  I think either will be great and I can definitely travel around the country from either one.  I want to know Madrid, Granada, Cadiz, Malaga...the list goes on.  This is a hugely scary thing and perhaps I'm leaning towards Barcelona purely for the comfort factor-I know I'd be happy there and enjoy the city a lot. 

Anyway, I talked to someone at one of the TEFL institutes on Friday and someone at another one I've applied at today.  I kinda like the second one better.  I think this is because they feel more personable and more honest.  I think what stood out to me was that the first one was really trying to sell his organization from a business standpoint despite being a non-profit, whereas the second one acted more apathetic towards me choosing them.  They were helpful in an honest I-am-not-trying-to-pursuade-you-to-come-here kind of way.  Both organizations seem reputable and have been around for ballpark range of 10 years.  I guess I respond better to a less pressure orientated way of guidance.  In fact I know that I don't respond well to pressure at all!

Well, to tell you the truth, I was about ready to chicken out of all this at the end of last week.  Then after talking with some friends and with my parents over the weekend, I feel more sure than ever that this is what I want to do.  Right now I'm just a roller coaster of emotions about all of this but mostly I'm excited.  Keep up the kind words of encouragement everyone!


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